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Home is Where Your Story Begins

by Joanne Wiklund
A ride through the countryside on a fairly cool day was such a good eye opener. I know it’s Spring, but not traveling much, I forgot how truly beautiful the world can be in Spring. Newly plowed and raked fields were dark and promising. Good black dirt waiting for seed to envelope, flowers blooming in yards fresh and green already. Traffic has picked up even on local back roads, as have pot holes. If you’re traveling local back roads, be alert for tire swallowers and tie rod breakers. I’m talking huge holes. But my other brother did a good job of circumventing them while we were taking in the surroundings. 
I was reminded that I have always lived where seasons changed every year at certain times. Never wanted to stay where we would have no Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall.  We loved Arizona to visit in February, but we were always glad we were there a short time. So happy to be back home, sleep in our bed. I understand why people leave for the winter, but a Snow Bird I’ve never wanted to be. I read somewhere that travel planners generally advise people to not stay away from home for over six weeks, because after that, vacationers start to get really homesick. We were in Nashville for a couple of years, separated by a sojourn of eleven months here again. It was our families and old friends that brought us back. I love my family of course, but old friends are important too. I found new friends in the South, but it was home and you guys I was longing for.
Home is where your story begins. I have a little box with cutout letters on the top with that definition. Your story begins with people, family and friends. Add new friends whenever you can, some of whom who will become old friends in time. Cherish them all. Have Patience.
Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Hebrews 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight
and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. 

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