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Beans, Beans, and…Beans?

by Joanne Wiklund

The past couple years, many people have altered their cooking materials, equipment and habits. I for one am trying to eat more veggies, less sugar and less red meat. When I order our groceries from Wally World, I am always surprised at how often they change things on the website. For a long time, I had to check my substitutions and let them know which ones I wanted ahead of pickup. The substitutions lately are next to none. Now they deliver items the store doesn’t have on hand. It can be as little as a small bottle of ground ginger or as big as an extra large size laundry detergent, both of which were recently delivered to our door by Fed Ex. I read somewhere one of the veggies that will help you maintain your health are navy beans.

So yesterday when I ordered our groceries for pick up today I ordered three cans of Bush’s Navy Beans, regular size cans, at $1.58 a piece. Imagine my surprise when last night before I went to bed, an email from the store alerted me that three of the items I ordered were already out for delivery. They included a tracking number but I would have to go back online to find out what the three items were. I hit the sack instead. 

This morning I got another email from the store telling me that three items would be delivered sometime today. I thought, “Gee, if that package is left on the doorstep someone might steal it while I was at the store picking up the rest of the order. Wouldn’t that be something?” My second thought was this: “What if the person who steals it gets it home, opens the package expecting something wonderful and finds only three cans of navy beans?” My groceries were all put away when Fed Ex delivered my package to my doorstep. I couldn’t bring my self to just leave it there to see what would happen. I brought the box in, opened the package and sure enough, three cans of Bush’s Navy Beans. 

Ephesians 4:28 “Let him that stole steal no more, but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good that he may have to to him that needeth.

Mark 15: “And with him they crucify two thieves, the one on his right hand, and the other on his left.”