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Walking Towards Jesus

Dear Church Family,

In the world we live in today we all need help staying close to Jesus! Close, as in who we are on the inside, and how we show it in our actions. Here is some help offered by Kathryn Sryri that I think helps us focus well on these two areas. She says…

 Step 1. Learn and Be Instructed (Colossians 2:7)

 The Christian life isn’t just about accepting Jesus and being baptized. That is only the beginning. We must then commit ourselves to a lifetime of learning. You have to be willing to read and study God’s Word, be ready to accept guidance and instruction from others, and to learn to listen for God’s direction. It’s not an academic exercise, but rather a process of surrendering self to the process of allowing God to show you his way and reform you into his image. Then…

 Step 2. Do Not Follow the Way of the World (Psalm 1:1)

 As Christians we are called to walk the narrow road, choosing to follow God’s way, not the way of the world. This means we’ll make hard choices to say “no” to things that might put us in tempting situations. We’ll say “no” to things the world says are okay, but we know aren’t okay to God. Remember the “wicked” and “sinners” won’t often look like “bad guys”. In fact, they’ll often look like friends, co-workers, the popular crowd, the people the world reveres. Their path may not look dangerous or illicit. It may look like the path that makes the most money, the way that leads to earthly happiness, the choice that fits in best with everyone else around you. Ask yourself: is this step I’m taking in line with God’s word and rule in my life or is it focused on earthly, human gain? Where is God in this choice?

 May God bless you as you travel toward Him in all you do.
