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When Life Gives You…Green Apples!

by Joanne Wiklund
When I was a child, I had a run away place in an old orchard behind our house in Cordova.  There were 39 old apple trees there in all sorts of debris and decay, but some of them still bloomed every Spring and bore apples we ate in the Fall. Each of the kids that came to our house to play had their own tree they liked best. I can remember hanging off of a low limb, dragging my hair on tall bent over grass.
We ate all kinds of apples every year. One of our friends was allergic to green apples and every year she just couldn’t help trying one before they were truly ripe. I had never seen hives before but she could have been the poster child for them. I remember one year she had a huge hive that covered her whole upper abdomen and it stood up a quarter of an inch high, itching like mad. All because she ate a green apple.
With pollen flying around in between the rain now, and wind carrying it everywhere I’ve talked with lots of people who are keeping their tissue boxes close. Funny how our bodies react to things that other people can tolerate with no problem. Spring is such a good time when the weather cooperates. I was bemoaning all the rain till I saw a Weather Channel feature on a town in Colorado that lost almost 1,000 homes in a wildfire.. They interviewed a resident whose house in an upscale neighborhood was spared. She was having a problem with feeling guilty because their house was spared and she didn’t know why.
So many times we wonder why. Why do things like that happen? We can never know for sure. But we can know who is with us when things get bad. We know the experience will give us something to perhaps help someone else. We have to know that trust is so important when we are tempted to get stuck on wondering why. We have to just trust Him to know best. 
John 14:1 “Let not your heart be troubled:  ye believe in God, believe also in me.”
Jude 21 “Keep yourself in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.”
2 Corinthians 5:7 “We walk by faith, not by sight.”