Just wow. What a blessing. Church family, your volunteerism is off the charts!
It has been amazing watching all of the volunteers work so hard to advance the Kingdom. There were volunteers tearing down the stage. There were volunteers rebuilding the stage. There were volunteers setting up for Vacation Bible School, there were volunteers teaching and leading and guiding in Vacation Bible School. There were volunteers cleaning up after Vacation Bible School. The Cruise-In is coming August 20th and there are more volunteers there as well.
It has been such a blessing to me to watch many of you that do not know each other very well work together, learn about one another, and connect as a church family. Moreover, it is producing fruit. All of the previous volunteers that have made Kids Club happen… can be excited to see many of our Kids Club kids come to Vacation Bible School. Countryside truly is their church home.
With all of the work going into Vacation Bible School, it was exciting to see a few brand new families who have never experienced Countryside before. I want to say thank you and encourage you to keep up the good work. Take time to look around and introduce yourself to those people that maybe you worked with or down the hall from and have not yet picked up their name. Go find them; introduce yourself. For this is what the Kingdom of God is all about…one family working together under the banner of Jesus Christ our Savior.
In Christ,