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Thankfulness Can Be Taught

by Joanne Wiklund
Thanksgiving is almost here and I’ve been so busy remembering all kinds of great things. November is such a great month in our family. We have one birthday person a week in our extended family. Birthdays are a lot to be thankful for, but loving that birthday person is so easy. Family is a good thing to be thankful for. How about our churches and how much better they make life for everyone they can? There are so many people who are caring and compassionate and rarely get any notice. But they don’t care. They have an assignment, remember? I am thankful for so many things.
  • Children. I am always so thankful for any child, and of course my own and my grandchildren. I get that from my mom. She always said a new baby was God’s reason for the world to go on. My daughter always called new babies “fresh babies.” That was her favorite fragrance. Fresh Baby, she said.
  • Our parents, of course. Seems like the older we get the more we want to see them and tell them they were right after all. Now we can’t do that. I always tell people if I couldn’t think of something to be thankful for, I’m so thankful God didn’t allow me to be a mother in Sudan or other places in the world who had to say to her children: “I have no food for you.”
Enjoy Thanksgiving all week. Eat well and hearty and be thankful.
Psalms 100:4 “Enter into his gates with Thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.”
Daniel  6:22 “My God hath sent his angel and hath shut the lions’ mouths, that they have not hurt me.”
Psalms 89:1”I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever: with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.”