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Merry Christmas Countryside!

Merry Christmas Church Family,

Perhaps you have heard the expression, Jesus is the reason for the season? It’s Christmas time friends. I want to encourage you to take every opportunity to share the true Christmas story.

Over Thanksgiving, I traveled to Chicago and went with my family on a walk through a park that was called Winter Lights. It followed a paved pathway that wove through the trees with music playing and multiple light displays. It featured mostly snowflakes and spotlights flashing in the tree branches, and there were rainbow-lit words that read peace, kindness, and love. It was very well done; the audio was loud and clear, and the spectacle of lights was engaging.

After a few minutes, I realized what was notably not there. Anywhere. Any sign whatsoever of Christmas. Not a single Christmas song. No Christmas tree, no Santa Claus, no nativity scene. Nothing that had anything to do with Christmas. It truly lived up to its name: Winter Lights.

I have to admit when I realized that Christmas was not a part of this experience at all, my heart sank. I have been through other winter light displays that would have a Christmas tree or a Santa Claus but never one that has been totally scrubbed free of any Christmas tradition. 

Unfortunately, I believe this is the direction our country is moving. So, it’s up to us. We who believe that Jesus was born on Christmas day of a virgin named Mary. We who believe that the shepherds were told by angels and that wisemen came to worship. We who believe that the Son of God arrived in a humble setting and came to be our Savior. We are the ones who must take every opportunity to share the truth about Christmas. I want to encourage you to remind everyone that Jesus is the reason for the season. 

