January, the first month of the new year is already in the rearview mirror. 2023 only has 11 months left. How are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions? Did you make any? Were you going to exercise more? Eat better? Read your Bible more? Start a prayer list? I have good news for you.

When you read through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, we continue to learn that God is a God of a second chances, and He never gives up. The very first couple, Adam and Eve, failed in the garden. God did not give up on mankind. Just weeks after Noah and his family left the ark after being saved from worldwide flood, they fell into sin. God did not give up on them.
Generation after generation, after generation… the nation of Israel would make a strong commitment to God, only to watch it fade away again, and again. Even Peter, one of Jesus‘s most beloved disciples, made a strong commitment that he would never leave or abandon Jesus; yet hours later, he was trying to put as much distance as possible between himself and the Lord.
The good news is God doesn’t give up. He longs for us to be right with Him. So welcome to February. Need to start over?
Do what God’s calling you to do. Make it a great rest of the year.

In Christ,