2024 Mission Trip Information

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Details to the information below that are changed or updated will be noted here.
Both youth and adult participants must be involved in understanding the expectations and commitment of participating in an ASP Youth Mission Trip. Email is the primary method used to communicate information to participants and their parents. When registering, please provide an email address you check regularly. Secondary methods of communication include the mission group’s website (www.countrysidecc.org) and facebook page (www.facebook.com/groups/countrysidechristianchurch). You can contact the mission team’s leadership at cccportbyron@gmail.com.
Trip participants are expected to follow all safety precautions set in place by CCC, ASP, and local, state, and federal governments. These will be enforced by adult leaders during pre-trip events, during travel, on the worksite, and at the ASP center. Specific safety precautions may be fluid due to changing circumstances. Details can be found on the ASP website (https://asphome.org/covid/) and the mission group’s website (www.countrysidecc.org).
Youth and adults complete the same registration process. The deadline to complete registration is February 15, 2024. Registration and additional details can be found below.

Click the link above to register for the trip. This should take you to the quick group member sign up. See the picture to the left. You will want to input the group number: 15485

Make sure it pulls up Countryside Christian Church as shown to the left and click “Join this group”.

A pop-up window should appear and fill out the “Are You New?” section to set up a new account.

They will next ask you for week preference and state preference. Please input the following information:
1st week preference: Wk8 7/28/2024
2nd week preference: Wk7 7/21/2024
1st State Preference: KY
2nd State Preference: WV
Max Drive Time Preference: 10
Most Important Factor: Date

Your confirmation should look like the screen to the left.
If a participant has to cancel their attendance for personal reasons, their deposit and any funds raised are not refundable and cannot be transferred to another missionary or future mission trip. Those funds will stay with ASP and go to help the families of Appalachia.
ASP or CCC Cancellation
In the event that the trip is cancelled by ASP or CCC, all fundraising will ideally be donated to ASP as if the trip were to continue. Even if we aren’t there, ASP and their contractors will use the money to complete projects with the spirit of making homes warmer, safer and drier for the people of Appalachia.
11) All volunteers (youth and adults) are expected to participate in the programs including, but not limited to, meals, chores, meetings, and evening gatherings. Your presence and participation at every CCC-led event and ASP staff-led event is required and will be a great part of your experience as a volunteer. Enjoy every moment!