by Joanne Wiklund
Remembering can be terrifying when you’re faced with someone you’ve known forever and can’t pull their name out of your mind. In your heart you know who they are. Precious, even, you can name their dog, their children.
Their name? It’s right there. Just stick out your tongue and it’s there, you won’t be able to see it , but you can feel it. Try to fake it, they know. My response in this situation? I’m sorry. I know who you are. I know so much about you, your children, your dog, your job. But I can’t think of your name. Please forgive me. If you don’t tell me, it’ll bug me till about noon tomorrow.
I don’t think it’s just a senior moment when that happens. Ever have a serious discussion with your spouse about a movie you were watching? You think the bad guy is one actor and he thinks it’s another, but you can’t remember the name of the guy you think it is. It will come to you the next day. Or you get a name that comes up on your Caller ID and you have no idea who that is, except for a little inkling. I did that yesterday. I asked Siri to find him. The guy is a British stage and film director and screen writer. Do you suppose he was really looking for me?
According to Wikipedia, he’s 59 years old and was knighted in 2020. He won a Shakespeare prize in Germany. Why do you suppose he’s looking for me? Maybe it’s not him, after all. Maybe it’s an out of work British actor using his name to make scam calls for extra money, I don’t remember, the call came yesterday. Remembering can be good or bad, but finding names in a hurry is always a blessing.
Psalms 145:7 “They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness and shall sing of thy righteousness.”
Psalms 22:27 “All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the Lord: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee.”