by Joanne Wiklund
Fear has been defined as False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear can stop us in our tracks. It sends us into a case of the What If’s before we know it. If that happens then what if… Fear can be based on what is happening right now or what we have experienced before.
Even if we’ve been through the same fear before, it’s sometimes a little different than it was the first time. Experience makes a difference. We become accustomed to an event or a thought and we react a little differently each time. I listened to a discussion on a program called BetterTogether on TBN and a group of talented Christian women were discussing fear. It was so good. One woman had lost a child. The others had trauma of their own and were openly talking about how they managed to get through. Trust in God was top of the list.
As I listened, I had a strange thought. I wondered when is the time fear tends to strike us the most? My immediate answer was The Middle Of The Night. At least that’s when fear talks to me. And I tell fear to get lost. I can sleep because God is awake all night. The answer is good because it’s God’s word. The other thing these women agreed on was that it is what we tell ourselves when we’re afraid. Get thee behind me, Satan. Trust God to take care of it, whatever it is. Especially if it’s in a dark and stormy night!
Psalms 121:4 -5 “Behold, He that keepth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. 5, The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.”
Psalms 121: 7-8 “The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.” 8. The Lord shall preserve thy going and thy coming from this time forth, and even for evermore.”