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Love Leads the Year

by Joanne Wiklund

An old song in my head again. What Are You Doing New Year’s? New Year’s Eve?  Staying home on New Year’s Eve never mattered much to hubby and I.  We were married Dec. 30th, many years ago, in a simple church service with friends and family present. Hubby was in the Army, home on a short leave. I was home from college. We decided on Wednesday to get married and on Sunday we got married. Very short engagement.
The rest of the story is too long to tell. Many people are planning great parties tomorrow night, followed by a headache the next morning. We always celebrated our anniversary the night before New Year’s Eve. Restaurants, empty; staff so happy to see you. Good food, good service, nice people when we went back each year. 
This year not everyone will be out celebrating New Year’s Eve however. Circumstances these last few years make public appearances after dark more than an adventure for us old people. We had many New Year’s Eves with more children than we planned. Got calls. As long as you’re going to be home anyway… Always room for one more here. 
We should have been the innkeeper in Bethlehem. We kept babies, teenagers, played cards with grandparents, kept track of who was going where with whom. Teen age girls always change plans at the last minute, and drivers. 

You can call and say Happy New Year. Won’t matter what time. Sleeping away New Year’s Eve before the ball drops has become a habit!
Luke 18:15-17 “And they brought unto him also infants, that he would  touch them: but when his disciples saw it, they  rebuked them. 16. But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not : for of such is the kingdom of God. 17, Verily I say unto you Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall no wise enter therein.”