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Marching Onward to Easter

by Joanne Wiklund

Here we are in March, just barely. But it works for me. Saying goodbye to winter is always so good. Even if we have tough stuff weather-wise ahead of us, we’re headed out, instead of in.

We ask ourselves at this time of year, Where do we go from here? Depends on who we ask. I think it’s so important to remember where we get our information that we depend on. Some people discount using the Bible as a source for inspiration. There is truth there that is relevant, even in this fractured world we live in. Frustration in our citizenry is rampant. People seem to be so angry. 

There is an undercurrent right now that is bringing people to a new relationship with the Trinity.  I believe God is moving on earth, changing people as they meet Him in their reality. A relationship with Jesus can bring us close to them. Love is a decision where God is concerned. He loves us, and only wants us to love Him the same way.

Love is not just an emotion. It’s so much a decision, no matter who is involved. Thinking about where we are going brings us to thoughts of Easter, the ultimate Love Decision by our God. Wherever we go, He goes with us, if we choose to follow Him and let Him lead us.

Psalms 9:1-2 “I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; and I will show forth all thy marvelous works.  I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou Most High.”

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