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Being a Mother

by Joanne Wiklund


We celebrated Mother’s Day yesterday, with gifts and hugs around. I only hope my children, grandchildren, siblings and friends know I appreciate their love and concern for me. I believe Mothering is a God-given gift from God, as are the children He sends us. In my case, they are all miracles, put in my life by my Creator at whatever season  in my life He chooses for them to appear at “just the right time.” That’s something I’ve always had questions about,  accepting God’s timing of certain events. Our children came to us as infants and we love and cherish both of them, our son and our now Heavenly Daughter.  Mom always said babies are God’s reason for the earth to go on. I believe that so strongly. Every single one of them. 

What a gift! What a responsibility! I was born on Mother’s Day. I don’t ever remember my mother turning away from me till her last fight with Breast Cancer took her early and left us with a different person to go with to the end. We did, all five of us and our sisters in law.
We are as believers adopted by God into His family when we ask him to allow us to join with Him in His plan for our lives. I asked a friend of mine this last week if he’d ever seen the picture of Jesus knocking on a door. He wasn’t familiar with it. I told him to look for it and to notice there is no handle on the door in the picture. It ’s because when Jesus knocks on the door of your heart you have to open the door to your heart and let him in. He’s ready for anyone. I was digging through stuff in the basement a few days later when I came upon an 8 x 10 color copy of the picture I told him about. Coincidence? 
I hope your Mother’s Day was wonderful and filled with love and hope for the future for all those babies, even the ones unborn. Jesus loves them all. 
Jeremiah 1:4-5 “Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, “Before I formed thee: and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.”
Phillipians 4-5 “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say rejoice. 5 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.”