Thanks for your interest to Kids Club! We are excited to have you join us and hope that it will be a help to you and also fun for your child.
Here is some information about the program:
1. Students are able to ride our church bus from Riverdale School to our church (Countryside Christian Church). Just write a note giving them permission and give it to the school office unless you already completed it at registration.
2. We give the children a snack, some gym time, crafts (cooking, painting, science experiments, woodworking, etc.), songs, and have guest speakers at times. We also always have an optional fun family event occasionally!
3. If someone other than who is listed on your registration is going to be picking up your child, we need to have a note that day.
4. Please take a minute to check out this year’s calendar to the right. We will not meet on days that Riverdale has an early dismissal on Wednesday and we will follow the school calendar for breaks and holidays. Our monthly events are also listed for you to add to your calendar. We always have a ton of fun!
Kids Club is from 3:30-ish (whenever they can get here after school) until 5pm. You will need to come into the sanctuary to get them at 5:00pm.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
If you would like to volunteer to be a helper some Wednesday, we would gladly welcome you! If you can’t commit to being here as a helper but want to help in some way, here are some areas you could serve:
- Snacks (we give the kids a snack time every Wednesday. We have about an average of 50 kids here each week).
- Life Lesson (we love it when someone comes in as a guest and shares a lesson on something they are an “expert” at).
- Crafts (we will be rotating stations learning how to make leather bracelets, card making used as a service project to send out to others, making tie blankets for those in nursing homes, and learning some cooking skills)
Thank you to everyone who helps with this each week! You are making a big difference!