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Muddy Waters Miracle

In John 9, Jesus is with his disciples and they encounter a man who has been blind since birth.  In a very unique way, Jesus heals him. Jesus spits on the ground, reaches down and mixes it with the dirt, makes mud, and rubs it in the blind man’s eyes. Jesus then tells him to go dip in a pool… The mud was washed away and he was healed.

Sunday, July 26th, I had the opportunity to preach at Muddy Waters Motocross Track.  Dave, the track owner, asked if I could do a chapel service. Arriving around 8am, the dew was still on the grass and, with all the dirt bike riders zooming around, there was plenty of powdery dirt. I noticed that my shoes were getting muddy as I walked from grassy areas across dusty trails.  

In Luke 7, Jesus was invited to a gathering of folks. While dining, a woman washes Jesus’ feet with her hair.  Most likely, Jesus’ feet were dirty from walking dusty roads. According to Luke, the most religious people were offended that Jesus would be so close to a sinner; yet Jesus was always surrounded by sinners. He was always compassionate and willing to forgive people who were far away from God.

As I looked around while at the Muddy Waters Track, everywhere I looked I saw people who loved camping, being with family, riding motorcycles, and enjoying the people around them.  I was excited to be there!  I had the awesome privilege of preaching Christ to a lot of families who may not know Him. Around 8:15am as the announcements started to be made over the PA system, It was impossible to miss the call to the worship service. Then what I thought might happen, happened. I observed a complete indifference to the call out to come to worship from so many.  People barely looked up when the announcement was made. I couldn’t help but be even more excited for the opportunity to preach.  As about 20 people gathered in a shady spot nearby, I knew that my sermon was being carried over the PA into the crowd whether they had intended to hear it or not. God can use that. I was planting seeds in some muddy ground and God has the power to make that grow. I knew I was right in the middle of lost people and being a friend to sinners.

 I look forward to  August 16th, when I get to return to the Muddy Waters and preach Christ again.  My prayer is that just like the blind man, one day many of the people there will wash the dirt from their eyes in the waters of baptism and see clearly Jesus before them.

I would like to invite some of you to join me there.  Would you be willing to arrive at the track around 7:45am? Bring a lawn chair and make your way to the concession stand where the service is?  Dress like you have been camping in the mud and you won’t stick out in the crowd. The service starts at 8>30 so be there early and just ask people about their bikes and they will be glad to chat. I hope that 5 or 6 of you will join Junior, Laura, and me as we sing a song and lift up the name of Jesus.  By you being there it helps us create a small crowd. It’s easier for folks to blend in if they feel like they won’t stand out.  Let me know it this sounds like something you would like to be a part of .

God Bless, Steve