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Joshua – Filling Some Big Shoes!

Another one of the Bible’s well-known names is Joshua, you can discover so many practical life lessons from the stories of Joshua in the Bible, let’s explore a few themes.


16Then they answered Joshua, “Whatever you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go. 17Just as we fully obeyed Moses, so we will obey you. Only may the Lord your God be with you as he was with Moses.  Joshua 1:16-17

Joshua had some very big shoes to fill when he was set in place as Israel’s new leader to take them forward into the promised land. Joshua was the right man for the right job and with his trust in God, Joshua was able to see some incredible things. But, I want to focus or zoom in on Joshua’s DNA, not his physical DNA but what made him this sort of man who was able to take on this amazing calling. Let’s have a look. 

Idea 1: Expectations Have you ever taken over a job in a specific place or situation and the person you are replacing was so integrated in the position that the shoes you needed to fill felt astronomical? If you have, you will know and be familiar with some of the feelings and expectations surrounding such an appointment. I remember taking over from Carl Beech here at CVM and felt a bit like Joshua taking over from Moses! We can set expectations up for ourselves and we can listen to those of others around us. The key and secret however is to keep our focus and heart laser targeted on and in our relationship with God. What does this look like for you? Have you been in this sort of place before, and what did you discover about yourself and expectations? 

Idea 2: Promise Perhaps one of the advantages that Joshua had over me and you is that God was in the business then of audibly speaking to his men of valour who were stepping forward, but these men were very few! Maybe you have had experiences in your life when God has spoken clearly to you or through scripture and it has been just as clear as a voice in your ear. For Joshua God spoke to him and said that ‘as it was with Moses, I am with you and where you step your foot you will be on land I have given you!’ (Joshua 1:3)Promises of God are essential in getting us up and onto solid ground, a sure footing that won’t shift and budge when the storms rise around us or in us! What promises of God have you held onto in your life that have helped you?

Idea 3: You are the one The cool thing about this story is that God has a plan and he works with ordinary men and women to accomplish it. With Joshua God lets him know the plan: ‘Be strong and courageous, you are the one who will lead these people.’ (Joshua 1:6)This is amazing but perhaps like me you are thinking ‘I am not leading Israel anywhere, what’s the point here?’ The point is the places you set your feet are the places where God can and will use you for his glory. You home, your work, your friendships, your areas of influence and your arenas. This is so empowering, guys. As we start to see our feet firmly planted on the promises of God, we hold onto and focus on Him and let this relationship shape our expectations. In this place we can be empowered as ‘the man, the men’ who have a unique opportunity to lead, speak, and show who Jesus is to those around us.




Think about the promises of God and any that have been specific for your life and then turn this into action. What are the arenas of influence that you have been called to stand in and operate from? When you have them in your mind, bring them to prayer.