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Samuel – Commitment to Excellence

1 Samuel 1


It’s always fascinating to look at the childhoods of the ‘great and the good’: musicians, film stars, sportsmen, politicians etc. Many come from humble backgrounds with little or no indication of what lay ahead; others demonstrate great potential from an early age and look destined for greatness. 

We have little information about the early years of most people mentioned in the Bible, but Samuel is an exception. Born as a result of Hannah’s fervent prayer for a child, God shaped Samuel from the start, working through him because he was willing, above everything else, to be God’s servant.

Bible Reading:

Samuel’s story begins in 1 Samuel 1 and runs through to chapter 16 


Idea 1: The power of influence The manner in which parents expose their children to values and beliefs is probably the greatest influence they can have on them. Where those values and beliefs are countercultural, there is a stronger likelihood that they will be embraced as absolutes.

Hannah gave back to God the gift He had given her. As tough as it must have been, she delivered on her promise to dedicate Samuel to the Lord. He sought God because his mother sought God. 1 Sam 1:24-27

  • Is your life a good example to those in your influence?

  • Are you presenting God with tokens, or with your entire life?


Idea 2: Speaking and listening I wonder if you’re like me when you pray? I have an idea in my head about what I want to say, and promptly ask God to listen while I say it! Samuel, on the other hand, listens and is obedient to God’s calling. 1 Sam 3. In the same way Jesus regularly went up to the top of a mountain, or into a desert to listen to His Father.

It’s so easy to get out of the habit of listening for, and to, God speaking. We need to be alert and ready to act on what He says to us. 

  • What things could you build into your daily life to help you hear God’s voice more?

  • Are you ready to say, “Here I am” when God calls you into action?


Idea 3: Selflessly doing the right thing Imagine working in the HR department of one company your whole life; punctual, diligent, an encourager, a shining example to colleagues, loved by clients and a delight to your boss. Then, as you near retirement, you’re tasked with appointing a new chairman. It’s already been decided that it will be the lively intern from a company the other side of town. What do you do?

When Samuel anointed the shepherd boy, David, king of Israel, it amazes me that he didn’t pause to ask God if He was really sure about all this. Wasn’t there someone better qualified? Maybe Samuel himself even? But no, he anointed David to be what he couldn’t be. Samuel demonstrates a powerful lesson in doing the right thing: encouraging, cheering on, supporting, blessing and fighting for the next generation. Recognizing that there are things they can do that we can only dream of.

  • Are your endeavors focused on the best outcome for you, or other people?

  • Who are the people that God is calling you to lift up?

  • How might an attitude like Samuel’s impact the church today?



Living as Samuel did takes great courage and faith. It means giving over the control and destination of our lives to God, doing what we know He requires of us and listening for further direction. Invite God to powerfully use you as He did Samuel.