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How Happiness Happens

Welcome to 2023. With a new year we have a chance to start new things, try new things, and restart some things we know we can do better. For 2023, I would like to invite you to try happiness. Everyone craves it, wants it, searches for it. We are longing for a sense of contentment and well-being. 

Because of this, I would like to invite you to participate in a brand new adult Sunday School class starting January 15th. It is a six week class. The class is titled “How Happiness Happens…” based on Max Lucado‘s best selling book with the same title. Max Lucado will be guiding us through all six weeks in a video presentation followed by discussion questions. 

If you have never attended an adult Sunday School class before, this might be a great place to jump in. It’s all new. If you want to be more joy-filled, share more smiles, be happier, you can be a part of a group that can learn “How Happiness Happens.”

Class starts January 15 at 9:30 AM in the blue class room right next-door to the church nursery. Hope to see you then.

In Christ,