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More Heat, More Inside

by Joanne Wiklund


Being inside can be difficult. Jason Murz sings a children’s song with Elmo on Sesame Street. “Let’s Go Outside.” It’s wonderful. It became the theme song for one of my escapist toddler grandsons!

Escape! That’s the word. Not when it’s 105 degrees out there. So in we are! What do we do? Cook? Probably not, unless it’s NoBake recipes. Peanut Butter Fudge? Sure, but it can call to me from anywhere, even the freezer! A friend and I talked about how every one of our older relatives had a special recipe they were noted for. My mother-in-law’s divinity and little white cookies were so good. She gave me the recipes and I tried both. Once, twice, three times, but they were never quite the same as hers. Have you ever done that? Tried a recipe from a Golden Cook and been disappointed in your results? So if we’re in and we don’t cook, what else can we do? Call people to count their noses. I love to talk to someone I haven’t heard from recently. We catch up and laugh a lot. The house doesn’t seem so daunting after a good session of remembering when.

TBN has good programming, Create TV is wonderful and oh, yes, housework! But I can tell when it’s too hot to do too much. The price of electricity goes up during the day. So I get up early, read The Good Book, run the dishwasher and do laundry before the price goes up. Then have a great breakfast and do something creative. Changes my perspective about a lot of things. Stay cool!

Psalm 45:1 “My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things I have made touching the King: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”

Psalm 45:17 “I will make thy name to be remembered in all generations: therefore the people praise thee for ever and ever.”