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Timing is Everything: Not Ours but His

by Joanne Wiklund
With Thanksgiving just days away, I’m confused about what day it even is sometimes. The pandemic which has us confined, confused, and sick, often grieving the loss of so many we love, is still here and still dangerous. Our minds are filled with decisions to make about celebrations which are usually so much fun to anticipate. I laid in a supply of eggs and bread during my latest drive through grocery run in anticipation of company.
But when time came to put the bread in the freezer for now and the eggs in the fridge, I realized I may not need all those things I bought. Everything we consume these days must be portable and good for us. But wait! Thanksgiving is not just one day. My own feathers ruffle when I hear people refer to Thanksgiving as “Turkey Day.” We can’t relegate Thanksgiving to just one day. If we miss it this year due to Covid we don’t have to wait till next year to celebrate being Thankful. We can be thankful any day we want to. Should be every day is Thanksgiving Day.
Oh, I know. You mean tradition. All the family together. When I think of that I think of my own mother, waiting with a turkey for Thanksgiving still in the freezer. Starting the New Year waiting with the Christmas tree still up so both her Marine and Army sons can truly celebrate being home with family. She had a long wait with all three of her sons in three different military at the same time during the Vietnam War. I missed all homecoming celebrations. They were in South Dakota; I was here in Illinois.
So when decisions to make threaten to overwhelm you, before they do, sit somewhere near a sunny window, on a deck, with the sun warming you and just be thankful. If the November sun isn’t warm enough for you to be outside, be thankful inside. For all those blessings God provides for us everyday: our families, friends and neighbors who help when necessary. Be thankful every day. When family and friends share your grief, be thankful. 
Romans 8:38-39 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things yet to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (KJV)

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