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A Path to Christmas

by Joanne Wiklund

I’ve been a stay at home person since March, with only trips to doctors for both of us being made carefully, and other events which drew me out. Were it not for my phones, TV and computer I would have been at a funny farm for sure. Now I’m down to TV less and less, phone when necessary. Computer is growing in importance because it’s a connection with a community I really need.

Prayer and Christian friends are so important also. The one thing that makes me turn off the TV is the anger which seems to be prevalent in our world these days. Someone is always yelling. Even a new supposedly “happy and informational” show that’s on every day is one of the loudest things on right now, so I simply don’t watch it. Peace is the season we are looking for. When our children were small, they always asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I told them the same thing every year: “Peace in the world, Peace in our home, and Peace in my heart.”

I’m still requesting Peace but I try hard to go to the real source of Peace and realize He’s always been there. I didn’t need to search so hard. I just have to let it in.

With all the traditions of Christmas pretty much going by the wayside this year, I am pleased to see that people are not giving in to a long, dark winter. We will have the Peace of Christmas in all those places I long for it to be, as long as we consider the source of real Peace and let Him into our hearts. Our mother used to tell me when I got frantic over Christmas preparations, “Honey, Christmas is going to come whether you’re ready or not. So just slow down, enjoy the way there.”

The Path to Christmas is winding and busy, but take time to enjoy it, Peace by Peace.


Proverbs 15:1 “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

Psalm 25:4 “Show me thy ways, O Lord, teach me thy paths.”